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The project

www.rettungspunkte.info is a platform for building a unified rescue points system at European level. Currently, there are many -mostly regional solutions to rescue point systems, mainly used by the professional forest users (forestry). But here too the identification is very different, so that each time a new orientation is imperative to be able to effectively use the existing recovery points system. The regular users of the forest such as hikers, private firewood collectors and those forest visitors seeking relaxation are usually not well informed. www.rettungspunkte.info allows, taking advantage of the currently used mobile communications, an uncomplicated search for everyone looking for existing rescue points.

The situation

The high number of serious and fatal accidents at work in the forest service and the ever-increasing numbers of leisure accidents in wooded areas give cause to reflect on how fast and precisely targeted recovery of the injured persons can be ensured. Not to forget is the unconditional freedom to travel within the Schengen countries. This freedom of movement is being used for leisure activities in a no longer manageable dimension. Within hours, it is possible to cross multiple national borders without anyone taking any notice. Thus it also results in leaving the known rescue system of their own country. If now it comes to an emergency situation, the rescue of the injured is very difficult. Besides the merely weak or insufficient local knowledge, transmission errors are often crucial due to the different languages for unintentionally long arrival times of the emergency services.

The solution

The system developed by us is based on a data platform capable of being used by normal Internet users (mobile) to operations control centre depending on their authorization. This allows quick access to all user-relevant information required for targeted and effective control of the rescue operation needed. A confusion of the rescue points is also ruled out in the cross-border exchange of data because each rescue point has a not to be mistaken identity feature which even under stress is simple to convey. Command centers also receive a truly unique database that allows forwarding of critical data, even across borders, to neighbouring control centres.

The advantage

In the era of mobile Internet access through Smartphone, the individual can quickly and reliably access this life-saving information for him. Many volunteers of the fire and rescue services are already alarmed to a deployment by their existing private mobile phone or smart phone. They can now with the available database, be directed faster to the deployment site. The all-important advantage lies in the fact that all updates are available to each user in real time and transmission errors or outdated information on self-created documents are ruled out.

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Security note

The investigation and publishing of datas is effected exclusively by the users of the internet platform www.rettungspunkte.info. For the correctness of the datas placed to your disposal OCTANORM Vertriebs GmbH does not assume any responsibility.